♥ Hope Children's Center in Tanzania, Africa ♥
(HEDO - Hope Empowerment and Development Organization)
Make a donation
to help the orphans
Give a student a gift of a
$5 each ($ USD)
Give a child a gift of a
School Bag & Supplies
$10 each ($ USD)
Give a child a gift of a
School Uniform
$15 each ($ USD)
Give a gift of a
Tuition for 1 Year
$100 per student ($ USD)
Choose your gift(s) and add them to your shopping cart.
When you are finished shopping for your gifts for the children at Hope/HEDO,
click "View Shopping Cart" and complete your donation via PayPal or credit card.
Hearts in Unity ♥ P.O. Box 41 ♥ Gemantown, WI 53022 ♥ USA
(c) Hearts in Unity, 2019. All rights reserved.
♥ Help us feed, clothe and educate ♥
the children of Hope / HEDO
Hope/HEDO Children's Center is a nursery school and daycare located in the town of Usa River, in the northern region of Tanzania, Africa. HEDO currently cares for 60 orphan and other at-risk children, age 3-7.
Hearts in Unity partners with Hope/HEDO to help provide food, clothing and education for these orphan children.
Other current wish list items for Hope/HEDO:
- Textbooks and school supplies
- School uniforms and shoes
- Tuition scholarships
- Teacher salary support
- A chicken project for sustainable income
Scroll down to give one of these additional gifts.....
Give a gift to support the
Chicken Project
$10 per chicken ($ USD)
The greatest current challenge and desire for the teachers of Hope/HEDO is to be able to continue to provide a nutritious school lunch for these children. When a school lunch is provided, the children can continue classes in the afternoon. Without a school lunch, the school may offer only morning classes.
Hearts in Unity currently provides some support for their school lunch program, but the need continues. A nutritious meal costs only about $1 per child per day, or just $30 to feed one child for a full month.
You can help us to feed the children this daily meal that will provide them the nutrition they need, and give them the opportunity to continue their education at the school each afternoon.
To make a one time donation in the amount of your choice,
click here:
To make a recurring, monthly gift in support of the
Hope/HEDO Meal Program,
select a subscription LEVEL,
and then click SUBSCRIBE.
To make a recurring, monthly
gift in support of the
Tuition Scholarship Fund,
select a subscription LEVEL,
and then click SUBSCRIBE.