Hearts in Unity in Saawe, Tanzania
Education is the stepping
stone out of the crippling
poverty that overshadows
the daily lives of children
living in Tanzania. 

Yet, the educational environment in this third world country makes learning a daily challenge.

Across the country, there are not enough schools, classrooms or teachers to allow every student access to continued education. Textbooks and other basic school supplies are in short supply. 

In supporting academic programs at Saawe Secondary School you are empowering the students of the village of Saawe with the tools they need to succeed in achieving their dreams. 

The solution is so simple... together, with hearts in unity, we can help educate the children of Saawe.
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Feed them, clothe them, educate them, love them. 
  Reaching out to the children of Tanzania, Africa, with hearts in unity... making a difference.... changing lives... one precious child at a time. 
Feed the Children of Tanzania
Clothe the children of Tanzania
Educate the children of Tanzania
Help the children of Tanzania
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Helping the children of Saawe, Tanzania with "Hearts in Unity"
© 2008 - 2011 Hearts in Unity
All rights reserved

  Hearts in Unity    P.O. Box 41    Germantown, WI  53022  USA 
Feed Them
Clothe Them
Educate Them
Feed them...
Feed Them
Clothe them...
Clothe Them
Educate them...
Educate Them
Hearts in Unity has established a variety of successful and sustainable projects and programs
to help feed, clothe and educate the orphans and other at-risk children in Tanzania, Africa.

This page is dedicated to the children living on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro in the village of Saawe,
the newest village in the Hearts in Unity family.

We welcome your donations to help support our newest Hearts in Unity projects in Saawe, Tanzania.

Click on a DONATE button below to give a gift in the amount you choose to help feed, clothe or educate the children of Saawe.
A school uniform…
a shirt, a skirt or pair of trousers.
It's another financial burden
for families who are already
struggling to pay tuition and
school fees for their children.

When you support the new sewing coop in Saawe, you are giving a gift of more than fabric and other sewing supplies.

You are giving parents the unique opportunity to purchase school uniforms for their children from a local source, and at a lower cost.

You are also giving employment opportunities to women in the village.  With the wages they earn from sewing school uniforms, these working mothers can better provide for their own children. 

The solution is so simple...  together, with hearts in unity, we can help clothe the children of Saawe.
Hunger is a reality of
daily life for many children in
Tanzania, including children
in the village of Saawe.

When you give a gift to help provide goats to families in the village of Saawe, you are also helping provide a source of protein-rich goat's milk for the children in the village.

In this unique, sustainable project, each family receiving a gift of a
goat promises to give the first two female offspring of that goat to other families in the village.  This sharing ensures the long-term sustainability of the project.

Each family can then continue to breed the goat to produce additional offspring which can later be sold to help the family pay tuition and school fees for their children.

The solution is so simple...  together, with hearts in unity, we can help feed the children of Saawe.